RMAA suite is designed for testing quality of analog and digital paths of any audio devices, be it a sound card, an MP3 player, a consumer CD/DVD player or an acoustic set. The results are obtained by playing and recording test signals passed through the tested audio path by means of frequency analysis algorithms. A more common mark is also provided for those unfamiliar with measured technical parameters.
A new version is the result of two years of development by best experts in digital audio. RMAA 6.0 raises the bar of comfort and functionality for spectrum analyzers. That's why it is a program of choice for enthusiasts, professionals, and audio magazines around the world; and some manufacturers are developing new devices with the mandatory testing of their quality in RMAA. In short, the program at the moment is a de-facto standard providing quick and easy measurement of technical parameters, without the need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on specialized measurement systems.
- friendly user's interface (all tests and options in single list, new look of HTML report);
- added new sample rates (88.2, 176.4 kHz);
- added new important parameter in HTML report: Harmonic distortions + noise, dB (A);
- added new MONO mode;
- added polarity test (HTML report);
- added new spectrum plot modes (linear/log/mel);
- added support of local languages on spectrum label;
- fixed some critical errors.
What's New:
- new 352 and 384 kHz modes are supported;
- new dB scale mode: equivalent total RMS for white noise.
- updated Intel high performance library to IPP 6.0.2;
- accelerated tests IMD + noise (swept sine) and THD + noise (set of tones), these tests work up to 4 times faster now.
- new parameter "Level change" was added to HMTL report, it shows the same level difference as in "Adjusting level" windows independently from ajusting levels;
- selected tests have an effect on "Playback only" and "Recording only" modes now;
- stability was improved considerably.