
User Interface

* Three-window interface; PC directory, host directory, FTP connection information
* Drag-and-drop file transfer
* Command line switches for batch files
* Distribute pre-configured interface
* Save and load configuration
* Tracing Facility
* Web-based help system
* Right-click pop-up menus
* Configurable double-click
* Configurable power keys

FTP Support

* Initial commands list
* PASV mode
* Rename file on PUTS
* Site commands
* Append or overwrite options
* Overwrite standard list commands with server-specific list
* Custom commands
* Resume broken transfer

MVS-Specific Features

* MVS list formats

VM-Specific Features

* BFS support
* SFS support
* Minidisk support

VSE-Specific Features

* UNIX=No list format

iSeries-Specific Features

* iSeries name formats 1 and 2
* Integrated Files System (IFS) support
* Different file and member icons
* Transfer all members of a file in a single click