WordWeb is truly a Word Web - each set of synonyms is linked to other related sets. Look up "tree", click on the "Types" tab and you'll have a list of different types of tree. Click on "Part of" and WordWeb will tell you that a tree can be part of a "forest" or "wood".
WordWeb is a comprehensive one-click English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows. It can be used to look up words from almost any program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. It includes pronunciations and usage examples, and has helpful spelling and sounds-like links.
- Definitions and synonyms
- Related words
- 5000 audio pronunciations
- 65 000 text pronunciations
- 150 000 root words
- 120 000 synonym sets
- Look up words in almost any program
What's New
- Pronunciations
- WordWeb Pro now comes with 70 000 professionally-recorded audio pronunciations. These include both American and British variants (your language settings determine which show). The text pronunciations have also been completely revised, and now include syllable information.
- More word links
- Words now show derived forms underneath the definitions, and there are new links between often-confused words. New "On Topic" links list words related to particular topics (e.g. under statistics you see distribution, covariance, etc.)
- Add extra optional dictionaries
- You can now purchase additional dictionaries, displayed on separate tabs for easy access like the web references.
- Import and Export definitions
- You can now import and export both custom definitions and custom glossaries from tab or comma-separated text files. There's improved support for shared databases, and a feature to remove sets of entries (e.g. to revert an import).
- Database revisions
- The database has been extensively revised, including thousands of new definitions and synonyms, as well as many clarifications and improvements in core senses. There are also over 20 000 new example sentences.
- Program enhancements
- Glossaries and custom definitions now fully support unicode, so you can use almost any language. You can edit the order of the web and other reference tabs, and there's an option to pre-load web references to make them load faster. Support for shared databases is improved, with new support for shared custom definitions as well as glossaries.