Tech Culture

Tech Culture

The technology revolution is everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine. The intersection of technology and society, from art to communication.

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The music industry's latest problem: Archive hard drives from the 90s are failing

TL;DR: The music industry is grappling with a looming crisis regarding its archive of 90s recordings stored on aging hard drives. According to data storage experts at Iron Mountain, around 20 percent of drives from the era are now unreadable. The company is raising concerns that, due to deteriorating formats, insufficient metadata, and increasing disk failures, a significant portion of these historic recordings could be lost forever if urgent action is not taken.
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Japan to build the world's first zeta-class supercomputer, promising 1,000-fold speed increase

Why it matters: In the global race for high-performance-computing dominance, Japan has positioned itself as a leader with its plans to build a zeta-class supercomputer. If it manages to achieve this feat, the advanced computational capabilities will significantly boost its economic competitiveness. First, though, Japan has to figure out how to meet the monumental energy requirements.

Facebook partner admits to eavesdropping on conversations via phone mics for ad targeting

"We know what you're thinking. Is this even legal?"
A hot potato: For almost as long as we've had smartphones, there has been the belief that they surreptitiously listen to our spoken conversations to serve us targeted ads; most people have experienced seeing an ad on Facebook for something they were recently talking about. It's always been claimed that this type of privacy invasion doesn't happen. However, a marketing agency, whose clients included Facebook and Google, has admitted to using an "Active Listening" feature that eavesdrops on conversations via phone mics to gather data.