The sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, Gunfire's Remnant 2 is a Soulslike RPG that primarily plays like a third-person shooter. Focusing on co-op while still supporting single-player, the game features hard-as-nails bosses, an upgrade system, multiple classes with their own abilities, and dynamically generated dungeons that enhance replayability.
Our editors hand-pick these games based on a broad criteria: similar games that cater to the same player base, or games that share similar themes, gameplay mechanics, or artistic styles.
When Annihilation had finally fallen, a tidal wave of emotions crashed into me. Some of them were joyful: I'd overcome a pretty difficult boss fight, after all. Some of them were sorrowful: the game as a whole was something I didn't want to end, and I...
I thoroughly enjoyed Remnant: From the Ashes when it came out in 2019. It felt like a fresh new take on the ever-growing list of "Souls-Like" games that dominated the market then. The blend of gunplay and melee combat, coupled with exciting worlds to...
With completely engrossing combat, challenging and memorable boss fights, ultra-dense buildcrafting options, incredibly cool procedurally generated levels, and a clever multiversal concept that allows for a ton of different adventures in one package, it’s very likely going to become one of my most-played games this year. No matter which part of the multiverse you find yourself in, you should do yourself a favor and play this gem.
Remnant II is a fantastic fantasy shooter, offering a dark and enticing series of worlds to explore, loot and conquer. Whether you’re playing solo or in co-op, this is easily one of the game experiences of the year.
Best of all? I may have finished the campaign, but I know I'm nowhere near completing the game, and I'm itching to see more. We only stumbled upon a handful of Remnant 2's secrets in our first playthrough, and there are plenty of puzzles, collectibles, and loot chests to solve, collect, and unlock. Maybe I'd feel different if I'd invested dozens of hours in its predecessors, but right now, all I want to do is get back in there and explore… and that can only be a good sign, right?
Remnant II is most successful as a tour through a series of disparate dimensions, each contending with their own battles against the villainous Root plaguing their world. The gunplay is solid, the co-op with up to two other players works great, and the lore is fascinating (if you want to dig deep). Remnant II’s plot, characters, and progression are where it falls short, but I like its third-person shooter take on mechanics and ideas borrowed from the Souls games.
The sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, Gunfire's Remnant 2 is a Soulslike RPG that primarily plays like a third-person shooter. Focusing on co-op while still supporting single-player, the game features hard-as-nails bosses, an upgrade system, multiple classes with their own abilities, and dynamically generated dungeons that enhance replayability.
Remnant 2 successfully evolves on its predecessor, isolating and expanding upon the best aspects to create a cohesive and challenging shooter experience, supplemented by stunningly designed environments and a unique story system. A cooperative game at...
Gunfire Games knew exactly what they were doing when working on the sequel to their sleeper hit from 2019. Remnant 2 improves upon its predecessor in almost every way, with overhauled systems, beautiful environments, fancy weapons, new enemies, deadly...
Folks, there’s no point in fearing some hypothetical apocalypse waiting for us over the horizon. We’re living through one right now. It’s just so slow-moving and boring that our dumb amphibian brains are instead making entertainment out of the water getting hotter around us like it’s not seconds away from a rolling boil.