

Amazing technology often starts here. Exploring breakthroughs and discoveries across biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science.

research clean energy nuclear laser futurology colorado sustainability

New $150M facility will fire 7-petawatt lasers to (hopefully) achieve nuclear fusion

Forward-looking: Fusion energy is often regarded as the holy grail of power generation because it harnesses the same atomic process that powers the sun. The concept involves forcing atomic nuclei to fuse together, unleashing immense energy. If scientists can crack the code using lasers, it could lead to a virtually limitless supply of safe, sustainable energy without any carbon emissions.
delayed milton nasa prepares europa clipper jupiter

Delayed by Hurricane Milton, NASA prepares Europa Clipper for journey to Jupiter's icy moon Europa

The voyage will span 1.8 billion miles over 5.5 years
In a nutshell: The Europa Clipper mission is an important step in our understanding of potentially habitable worlds beyond Earth. By studying Europa's composition, internal structure, and potential for hosting organic compounds, scientists hope to gain insights into the prevalence of habitable environments in our solar system and beyond.
artificial plants environment clean energy photosynthesis artificial plant biosolar cell

Artificial plant purifies indoor air and doubles as a power source for small electronics

Big if True: Cyanobacteria were the first organisms on Earth to develop the ability to produce oxygen. Through photosynthesis, they convert light into chemical energy and oxygen. According to a team of US researchers, cyanobacteria could even serve as a powerful air filtration system when integrated into a new "artificial plant" concept.
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