Our editors hand-pick these games based on a broad criteria: similar games that cater to the same player base, or games that share similar themes, gameplay mechanics, or artistic styles.
I loved Limbo when it debuted last year. It was arguably the best game in the entire Summer of Arcade line-up and ushered in a whole new era of indie-developed games that are still thriving today in various digital-download outlets. Even as I type...
Sometimes, delayed game releases are worth the wait. Such is the case with LIMBO, a side-scrolling puzzle/action game released last year exclusively for Xbox Live Arcade, but now available for PS3 and PC via Steam. What sets LIMBO apart from other...
Limbo is an incredible achievement. Very few games are as original, atmospheric, and consistently brilliant. It belongs in everybody's collection. The journey may be over too quickly, but you will be entertained every minute. This is one of my...
Among the deluge of big budget first person shooters and action adventures currently available, Limbo is a breath of fresh air. While its monochromatic art-style and hand-drawn animations create a unique visual style, its soft ambient sounds and dark...
Xbox LIVE Arcade is home to some of the most creative arcade titles from up-and-coming indie developers and established studios on the Xbox 360. Braid, Castle Crashers, and Shadow Complex are shining examples of this and the Summer of Arcade promotion...
Dark, sombre and thought-provoking, Limbo is as much a work of art as it is a video game.Many gamers and game developers will claim that computer games today count as an art form. While this may be true in terms of the graphics, design and concepts,...
T o begin with, there is no specific story. The game starts in a black and white 2D Environment with a boy (the protagonist of this game) "waking" up suddenly in the middle of the forest. There's no objective shown clearly, so there is nothing much...
What is Limbo? Less a game and more an artistic adventure, Limbo is nothing short of incredible. Limbo takes place in a hostile and inky-black dreamworld. Your featureless character is at times identifiable only by his glowing eyes—an otherwise...