Dying Light takes place in an expansive urban environment where players navigate using freerunning 'parkour' mechanics while scavenge for supplies to craft weapons and defend against the city's growing infected population.
Too many missions are either boring, frustrating, or just plain bad
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The problem with Dead Island and Riptide is what came next: after you'd leveled up enough of your skills and acquired enough weapons, making it through the endless sea of zombies became less of a challenge. Since they weren't able to offer new challenges in turn, the invigorating "fight or flight" dynamic in each game was replaced by hours and hours of bland, repetitive zombie-killing.
Benchmarked: Graphics & CPU Performance If you want to play Dying Light at 1080p we recommend either a R9 290 or GTX 970, while 1366x768 requires at least a GTX 660 or HD 7850. To run Dying Light at resolutions of 2560x1600 or above you'll need a R9 290X or GTX 980.
I wasn't sure what to expect from Dying Light, a new open-world zombie game from a studio known for making the regrettable open-world zombie series Dead Island. Imagine my pleasant surprise, then, when I discovered some cool ideas during my first five...
Back to LifeParkour mechanics work wellNight sections are brilliantBack to the GraveTerrible optimisationPoor mission structureDull lead characterYou own this Total You want this Total You had this Total Dying Light PC ReviewDying Light is a mixed bag...
The reality is that Dying Light is a free-run-centric next-gen version of Dead Island, with improved weapon modifications and increased difficulty, which leads to increased overall survival-horror experience. Staples from Dead Island like the Anderson...
When it comes right down to it, Dying Light is just a super cool game. It mixes a whole range of emotions from excitement to dread to humor clear down to absolute disgust. When you are bashing these zombies up with an adjustable wrench, they don't just...
Despite technical and parkour missteps, the rewarding combat mechanics, well-executed narrative, and excellent cooperative multiplayer bring players a delightful time in the shadow of the impending apocalypse. Dying Light is a strong open-world zombie game that delivers a good experience on nearly every front.