Privacy articles

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Lawmakers ask FTC to determine if AI generated article summaries are anti-competitive

Data collection has never been as powerful or lucrative as it is right now
A hot potato: Currently, the AI industry is the Wild West. There are very few laws on the books that govern the market. This lack of formal regulation has led to AI firms operating on the honor system, promising to effectively self-regulate, but democrats in the US Senate believe the self-regulation experiment has failed. They're now asking trade regulators to see if they can find any antitrust violations, especially in AI-generated content summaries.

Facebook partner admits to eavesdropping on conversations via phone mics for ad targeting

"We know what you're thinking. Is this even legal?"
A hot potato: For almost as long as we've had smartphones, there has been the belief that they surreptitiously listen to our spoken conversations to serve us targeted ads; most people have experienced seeing an ad on Facebook for something they were recently talking about. It's always been claimed that this type of privacy invasion doesn't happen. However, a marketing agency, whose clients included Facebook and Google, has admitted to using an "Active Listening" feature that eavesdrops on conversations via phone mics to gather data.